Lluis Martell, Conrad

During my state at the IISL in Oñati, I have worked on methodological issues related to my empirical research. In my analysis of the Spanish movement of the indignados, I try to combine a discourse analytical approach with a more grounded, micro-sociological perspective, indebted to Ethnomethodology and Goffman’s frame analysis. It is on this combination that I have focused my studies on. In this sense, during my stay at the ISSL I have written important parts of the methodological chapter of my doctoral thesis.
Moreover, I’ve used my stay at the ISSL to prepare a series of interviews with politicians and activists in Madrid – where I travelled to after my stay at the Basque Country.
I am very grateful to the IISL-Staff for their support concerning both scientific and practical issues. Hence, I am looking forward to returning to the IISL for a longer stay in late spring or summer.