The following data are in compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Act 34/2002 of 11 July regarding Services of the Information Society and E-commerce:
The company owning web domain www.iisj-international.com is FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE SOCIOLOGÍA JURÍDICA DE OÑATI (Oñati International Institute for The Sociology of Law Foundation) (hereinafter the IISL) with tax code G 20200424 and registered offices at Avenida Universidad, 8 – 20560, Oñati, Gipuzkoa, telephone number 943 783064, e-mail onati@iisj.es and registered in the Foundations Registry with number GIP-42.
1. Privacy policy
This privacy policy is foreseen to provide information concerning the rights you have in regards of the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation, as well as everything included in the national legislation that might be applicable and may clarify how we treat your personal data. If you have any doubts or questions regarding the treatment of your personal data or if you want to execute your rights, please contact legal@iisj.es
1.1.- Who is responsible for the treatment of data?
Avenida Universidad nº 8.
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa)
NIF. G- 20200424
Email: legal@iisj.es
Phone: 943.78.30.64
1.2.- How do we obtain your data?
The data required on the accessible forms on the website of IISL are general and mandatory (except from the fields where this is not specified) to accomplish with the established goals. Therefore, if these fields are not completed of the required data is not correctly provided, we will not be able to offer the services.Your data may also be obtained from video and voice recordings of events that are organised by the IISL and in which you as a data subject have registered to participate.
1.3.- Which personal data do we treat?
The treated data are personal and contact data, specifically: first name, family name, date of birth, national identification document, country, address, email, phone number, image and voice, as well as the chosen payment method when you subscribe to one of our courses, masters, workshops, congress or events organized by and/or at the IISL.
1.4.- What is the goal of treating your personal data?
In accordance to the stipulations of the European Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection, as well as the stipulations of the national legislation that may be applied, we inform you that Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (from this point forward IISL) will treat your data for the following goals:
- To accomplish your subscription form in one of the courses, masters, workshops, bilkuras, congress, blogs and events organized and held at IISL, or participation in our debate and discussion forums, as well as to send you all the information regarding their content and for the follow-up of any question, doubt, complaint you may have related to them.
- To manage, administrate, take into account and process, in your case, the payment of the courses, masters, workshops, bilkuras, congress, blogs and/or events you may have subscribed to.
- To send you, in case you have accepted it, regular information and newsletters related to the training activities and investigations of IISL, as well as news and activities related to them.
- To accomplish the obligations demanded by laws, regulations or legislation that might be applied.
- To manage, administrate and disseminate on the channels, networks and media platforms managed by the IISL the events organised by the IISL in accordance with the rules and regulations determined for each of them.
Your data will not be used for different purposes and no automated decisions will be made based on that profile.
1.5.-Legitimation for the treatment of data
The legal basis for the treatment of data is the execution of a contract for education services and other services requested. The needed data treatment for the accomplishment of the above mentioned goals that need your acceptance for its performance will not be carried out without it. Nevertheless, you may retire your consent at any time and this will never make it conditional to the existing contractual relation or affect the validity of the treatment performed previously.
To revoke the consent you may contact IISL by: writing to OÑATI INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW, Avenida Universidad nr. 8, Apdo. 28 (20560 Oñati, Gipuzkoa), or by email to legal@iisj.es, in both cases please refer to “Data Protection”.
1.6.- How long do we keep your data?
Your data will be kept as long as they are necessary to answer your requests of demands and, in any case, as long as you do not request their cancelation, as well as the time needed to accomplish the legal obligations that may correspond to each type of data.
1.7.- To whom will your personal data be provided?
IISL does not communicate personal information to third parties unless:
- the personal data and payment methods have to be communicated to credit card companies, banks or companies as the result of transactions related to the subscriptions or donations made by the user.
- the personal data is legally required by the legislation in force, legal demand or a competent authority
- the personal data of image or voice, obtained with the consent of the interested party, which is part of recorded events organised by IISL may be transferred to the participants, speakers, organisers or third parties only for scientific or academic purposes.
In any case, in accordance with the stipulations of the regulations in force, IISL will only communicate those data that are strictly necessary and the third parties may only treat the personal data for the accomplishment of the entrusted services.
Besides the here-above mentioned cases, IISL will never communicate or transfer personal data to third parties.
1.8.- Responsibility of the User
The User guarantees he/she is of legal age or legally emancipated, completely capable and that the data provided to IISL are true, exact, complete and updated. At these effects, the User takes responsibility for the veracity of the communicated data and will keep the provided information conveniently updated, in accordance to his/her real situation. Likewise, and in case he/she does, he/she guarantees that he/she has informed the third parties from whom the information he/she has provided, before being included, about the extreme contents of this document.
1.9.- Which are your rights when you provide us your data?
You may write to OÑATI INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW, Avenida Universidad nr. 8 Apdo. 28 (20560 Oñati – Gipuzkoa) or send an email to legal@iisj.es, in both cases please refer to “Data Protection”, including a copy of your valid national identification document or passport, at any time and free of charge, to:
- Revoke the given consents.
- Obtain a confirmation about whether IISL is treating the personal data with responsibility.
- Access your personal data.
- Rectify incomplete of inexact data.
- Request the cancelation of your data when these are not necessary for the goals they had been taken for anymore, among other reasons.
- Obtain from IISL the limitation of the treatment of data when any of the conditions stipulated in the regulation of data protection has been accomplished.
- Request the portability of your data.
We finally inform you that you may address the Spanish Agency of Data Protection and other competent public organizations for any complaint your may have as a result of the treatment of your personal data.
1.10.- Security
IISL will treat your data in strict confidentiality and privacy at any time in accordance to the stipulations of the regulation of application, taking into account all the technical and organisational measures needed to guarantee the safety of your data and to avoid these can be altered, lost or suffer any unauthorized treatment or access, being aware of the conditions of the technology, nature of the stored data and the risks they may be exposed to.
1.11. - Image rights and copyright
The Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law has several means of communication including: a web site, a virtual teaching environment using the Moodle platform, and social media. It uses all of these to support its teaching and research activities and to advertise the Institute. These media may be used to occasionally publish images of participants at IISL activities or work carried out by these people protected by copyright, as well as comments about programmes, courses or contributions made to discussions, work and comments on work.
Image rights are protected by article 18.1 of the Constitution and regulated by Organic Law 1/1982 of the 5th May referring to the right to honour personal and family privacy and also that image and copyright protection is guaranteed to the authors of all literary, artistic and scientific work thanks to national and international law, including the Spanish Copyright Act 22/1987 of the 22nd of November and consequent statutes.
2. Conditions governing access and use of the web portal
By accessing and/or using the portal, the USER accepts the general conditions of use set out here. Said conditions will be applied independently of the General Terms and Conditions of Contract that must be adhered to.
www.iisj-international.com provides access to a multitude of information, services, programmes and data (hereinafter “content”) belonging to the IISL, or its licensors, which the USER may access. The USER takes responsibility for use of the portal. Said responsibility covers any registration required to access given services or content.
At registration the USER shall be responsible for providing accurate, lawful information. As a result of registration, the USER may be given a password, which he/she shall be responsible for and shall promise to use it carefully and to keep it confidential. The USER promises to make appropriate use of the contents and services (for example chat services, discussion forums and news groups) that the IISL offers via its portal including but not limited to NOT using them to (i) incur in activities that could be considered illicit or illegal, contrary to good faith and public order (ii) disseminate content or propaganda of a nature that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal, supports terrorism or which constitutes an attack on human rights; (iii) provoke damage in the physical and logical systems belonging to the IISL, to its suppliers or to other people; introduce or disseminate on the Net computer viruses or any other physical and logical systems that could provoke the previously mentioned damage; (iv) try to access or use email accounts of other users and change or manipulate their messages.
The IISL reserves the right to remove any remarks and contributions which infringe respect for personal dignity, which are against the law, discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, constitute an attack on youth or children, order and public safety or which constitute an attack on human rights or which in its opinion are not appropriate for publication. In any event, the IISL will not be held responsible for the opinions voiced by users on platforms, chats or other participatory tools.
The IISL takes no responsibility, under any circumstances, for harm or damage of any kind that may be caused by, but not limited to, the following: errors or omissions in the [content, lack of availability of the portal, correct visualization, or the transmission of viruses or programs that are malicious or harmful in their content, in spite of having adopted all the necessary technological measures to avoid such occurrences.
The IISL reserves the right, without prior notice, to make the modifications that it sees fit in its portal, and it may change, remove or add both the content and the services provided through the site and the way in which they are presented or located on the web portal.
3. Intellectual and industrial property
The IISL is, in its own right or as transferee, the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its web site and all the content thereof (including, not limited to, images, sound, audio, video, software and text, brands or logos, combinations of colours, structure and design, selection of materials, computer programs needed to operate, access or use them, etc.).
In pursuance of the provisions in Articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Copyright Act, it is expressly forbidden to reproduce, distribute and disseminate publicly, including the making available modality, of all or part of the contents of the webpage for commercial purposes, in any format and by any technical means, without the authorisation of the IISL. The USER agrees to respect the intellectual and industrial copyright pertaining to the IISL. The User may view the elements on the portal and also print them out, copy them and store them on the hard disk of his/her computer or on any other physical medium as long as it is exclusively for his/her personal and private use. The USER must refrain from deleting, altering or manipulating any protective device or security system installed in the IISL web page.
The IISL has the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services, at any moment and without previous notice, to all the users who do not respect these General Conditions of Use.
4. Links and hyperlinks
In the event of the domain having links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, the IISL shall not exercise any kind of control over said sites and contents. Under no circumstances will IISL accept liability for nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, veracity, validity or constitutionality of the content and services of said hyperlinks or other Internet sites. Equally, the inclusion of these external links shall not imply any kind of association, merger or involvement in said organisations.
Amendment of these conditions and duration.
Provided they are correctly published, such as appears here, the IISL may modify at any time the conditions appearing here. Said conditions will be in effect during the time they are displayed and will be valid until they are modified by other duly published conditions.
5. Payment terms and conditions
Payments to the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law can be made safely with a Visa or Master Card via the BBVA payment gateway. If this is the method of payment you opt for, we will send you an e-mail indicating the amount and the necessary data for said payment.
To ensure payment safety, the IISL will redirect you to the BBVA secure payment site. The IISL has no access at all to the banking data of those who participate in IISL activities. This service has the SSL safe protocol. Personal, confidential data (card number, expiry date, CSV code) are directly sent in encrypted format to the bank server without being recorded in the IISL server.
The transaction is made in Spain and payment is made in Euros.
In compliance with article 10 of the Information Society and E-Trade Services Act 34/2002, of 11 July, the IISL informs that at its premises different activities related to the field of Sociology of Law are organized. The expression “Sociology of Law” (or its approximate equivalent, “legal sociology”) refers to an academic activity that unquestionably refers to a consolidated subject area in many countries; in other words to a community of university students, researchers and lecturers who mutually recognize each other as all working towards the same goal, by applying similar concepts, models, observation methods, etc. and that in their individual work they attach specific importance to those connections they feel should be maintained with colleagues belonging to this community for comparison of observations made, theories drawn up, etc.
Prices and payment conditions for participating in the Institute’s activities are indicated on each activity’s forms.
Invoices will be sent once payment has been made. Any problems with invoices should be made known within the 15 days following the invoice date.
Reimbursement conditions in the event of cancellation will be indicated on each activity’s form or via e-mail. Reimbursements with a penalty will be made using the same method of payment used during the initial transaction.
The IISL will require the following information for a reimbursement:
- First name and surname/s
- Invoice number
- Reason for reimbursement
All reimbursements will be reviewed before being given the go ahead.
6. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
The IISL will take action against any breach of the above conditions as well as whatsoever incorrect use of its portal, exercising all the civil and criminal actions that may correspond in law.
The relationship between the IISL and the USER shall be governed by current Spanish regulations and any dispute shall be settled before the courts and tribunals where the IISL is registered.