University of A Coruña (Spain)
Cristina Fernandez-Bessa (ID Research ABF-4320-2020) is senior research fellow (Ramón y Cajal 2021 fellowship awarded by the Spanish Research State Agency) at the Criminal Law Area of the University of A Coruña (UDC) and member of the ECRIM research group (https://ecrim.es/). She holds a Ph D. in Law and Political Sciences, specialization in Criminology and Sociology of Criminal Law from the University of Barcelona (2016). She also holds a Master in Penal Systems and Social Problems from the same University (2005) and a Diploma in International Critical Criminology from the Socrates Programme on Criminal Justice and Critical Criminology (2006).
Previously, she was an adjunct professor at both the Pompeu Fabra University and the University of Barcelona (UB), as well as teaching collaborator at the Open University of Catalonia. In the framework of these academic positions, she carried out teaching activities in criminology degrees and in the UB’s Ms programme on criminology, penal policies and the sociology of criminal law. She was a policy advisor on human rights and citizenship for Barcelona’s local administration, a member of UB’s research group Observatori del Sistema Penal i els Drets Humans and a researcher at Autonomous University of Barcelona’s research group Antígona (Law and Society with a gender-based perspective).
She has been a visiting scholar at Italian, Polish, US, Argentinian and Dutch universities. She has also been a visiting researcher at the Oñati International Institute of Sociology of Law for 6 months in 2010. Cristina is a member of the European Society of Criminology, where she is co-chair of the Working Group Immigration, Crime and Citizenship (from 7/11/2020). She is also a member of the Spanish Society of Criminological research and Member of the Working Group on Judicialization of Social Problems of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL).
She has participated in 12 publicly funded research projects (8 of them EU-funded), 2 Spanish networks of excellence, and 11 agreements and contracts (PI in 6). She is currently Spain’s national representative within the management board of the EU COST Agency’s action CA17102-Police Stops.
Dr. Fernandez Bessa has presented papers in more than 127 national and international conferences and workshops on criminology, socio-legal and immigration topics. She has participated in two workshops organized International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati: Workshop 'Paisaje urbano, delito y percepción de la inseguridad: investigación interdisciplinar sobre delitos y conflictos en el medio urbano' in 2010 and Workshop 'Prácticas Punitivas y Gobernanza global' in 2011.
Dr Fernández-Bessa has published one individual monograph and has edited and co-authored 6 books, as well as 22 book chapters and 18 journal articles. She is a member of the editorial board of the journal Crítica Penal y Poder (CPyP) and a regular reviewer for indexed journals (such as, Studi sulla Questione Criminale, European Journal of Criminology, SORTUZ, etc). She is author of several works in the field of sociology of law and migration studies: “The Managerial Turn: the transformation of Spanish migration control policies since the onset of the economic crisis” (The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 2017, with J.A Brandariz), “A Theoretical Typology of Border Activism: from the Streets to the Council” (Theoretical Criminology, 2019), “¿Fracaso del reconocimiento mutuo de resoluciones de libertad vigilada en España? Una reflexión de la situación de los condenados extranjeros de nacionalidad comunitaria” (Failure of the mutual recognition of probation decisions in Spain? Reflecting on the situation of the sentenced EU National foreigners) (Migraciones, 2019, with P. Faraldo), “A changing and multi-scalar EU borderscape: The expansion of asylum and the normalisation of the deportation of EU and EFTA citizens” (International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 2020, with J.A. Brandariz) and “Los centros de internamiento de extranjeros (CIE). Una introducción desde las Ciencias Penales” (Immigration detention. An introduction from the Criminal Sciences) (Iustel, 2021)