Oñati Master's Tesinas

1. G. Varona
   Restorative Justice: New Social Rites within the Criminal System?
   1996, 165 pp.

2. J. Ölander,
European Integration as an Instrument for Breaking State Sovereignty: a Discussion on the Relativity of Sovereignty.The example of Euzkadi
1996, 84 pp.

3. P.G. Peláez
The Ideology of Family Mediation: A Case Study,
1996, 72 pp.

4. L. González Placencia
Human Rights: Towards a Postmodern Understanding of Justice
1996, 97 pp.  

5. T.A. Benson
"In Guns We Trust". The Rio Pact and US Imperialism in Latin America
1997, 70 pp.

6. B. Ruiz
El plan de integración de inmigrantes y la participación social: estudio del asociacionismo de trabajadores marroquíes en Almería
1997, 115 pp.

7. M. R. Madsen
Towards peace and democracy in Guatemala: an analysis of changing societal patterns with an emphasis on the position of el pueblo Maya
2000, 165 pp.

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