Access to Justice - theory and practice in Europe
Coordinadores: Anette Storgaard (Aarhus Universitet ) (Denmark), Bettina Lemann Kristiansen (Aarhus Universitet ) (Denmark)

Nuestra experiencia en Oñati
We were a small group of researchers, who arranged a Bilkura in the IISJ in Onati in order to prepare and coordinate a program for future research cooperation. The staff in the institute supported the Bilkura in any way like with the arrangement of transportation, accommodation, food etc., which provided us with optimal conditions for a fruitful meeting. There is an excellent atmosphere in the institute and the library, which invites to intellectual and creatives thinking. The hospitality and the readiness to support was terrific.
Anette Storgaard
Professor in Criminology and Penology, the Law Department, University of Aarhus