Linking generations for global justice

Descripción del encuentro
The IISL heartily thanks the co-organizers, supporting institutions and individuals, and all of the nearly 300 participants of the Linking Generations for Global Justice RCSL-IISL Joint Congress for having contributed to making this a memorable, highly successful event. Thank you for putting the IISL in the centre of the international debate on law and society once again. Your help continues to be of the utmost importance for the Institute's present and future.
October 8 – Call for Papers and Sessions start
October 29 – Registration starts (closed)
October 29 - Application for funding starts (closed)
December 10 – Submission deadline (Papers and Sessions). Due to the interest generated by the conference, we are extending the deadline until December 17. Call closed.
January 14 – Paper acceptance emailed
January 14 – Session acceptance emailed
January 21 – Preliminary Programme is online
January 28 – Registration deadline for program participants with preferential rates
April 15 – Registration closing date. 09:00 hours, current local time in Spain
May 13 – No more changes accepted for printed program
June 7 - List of abstracts
June 7 - Papers
Humanity thrives on the emergence of new generations: each one adds fresh perspectives, new ways of thinking, and changes values, institutions and practices. At times of rapid change on a global scale, new generations are vital in all fields of science and technology. However, global change lays bare the tensions between generations and raises major questions for justice between generations: How can we make the environment safe for generations to come? How do we integrate and include first and second generations of migrants? How diverse should our legal and justice institutions be? What does a just distribution of welfare between generations look like? How are generations linked in the digital revolution that will affect justice systems globally? How are younger generations given a voice and stake in decisions about their future? How are older generations protected in times of rapid social change?
These questions pose major challenges for the sociology of law, our theories and our tools of research. As new generations of scholars challenge established ways of thinking and theorizing, they also open up innovative pathways towards dealing with these problems. How can we best work together across generations in our discipline in addressing these challenges? How can we ensure and work for intergenerational justice across the globe?
Since its foundation in 1989, the International Institute of the Sociology of Law in Onati has been a space for exchange between generations of scholars. At its 30th anniversary, we will celebrate its achievements of intergenerational exchange and collaboration and prepare for the future by linking generations for the advancement of our field. The organisers will particularly promote and facilitate exchange and collaboration across generations of socio-legal scholars through panels and keynotes, and link generations from North and South for innovative research and theorizing.
They specifically welcome papers addressing the following themes:
- Eco-justice and urban law across generations
- Intergenerational justice in welfare regimes
- Digital revolutions in law and access across generations
- Spheres, cultural identities, and perceptions of justice
- Development of lawyering and justice across space and time
- Law, conflict and generational integration of migrant communities
- Representation, access and voice for young and old generations
- Innovation in legal education
- (Inter-)generational perceptions of diversity
- Representation, access and voice for young and old generations
- Transnational dimensions of socio-legal studies