University of Warsaw (Poland)
2014 Habilitation in Sociology. University of Warsaw. 2006 Doctorate in Sociology. University of Warsaw. 2004 D.E.S.S. au Droit de Societés. Université de Poitiers. 2004 MA in Law. University of Warsaw. 2003 MA in Philosophy. University of Warsaw. 2000 MA in Sociology. University of Warsaw.
2021– Professor of Sociology. Institute of Sociology. University of Warsaw.
2015–20 Professor of Sociology. W2 Forschungsprofessorin. University of Bonn.
2012–15 Co-Ordinator for Social Sciences. Artes Liberales. University of Warsaw.
2006–21 Assistant Professor in Sociology. Institute of Sociology. University of Warsaw.
2008–10 Deputy Director for Students Affairs. Institute of Sociology. University of Warsaw.
2007–8 Director of Postgraduate Studies in Evaluation of European Social Programs. Institute of Sociology. University of Warsaw.
2005–6 Lecturer in Sociology. Institute of Sociology. University of Warsaw.
2005 Lecturer in Sociology. Academy for the Management of Human Resources in Warsaw.
2023–2027 Deputy Workgroup Leader. COST Action CA22121 “Rising Nationalisms, Shifting Geopolitics and the Future of European Higher Education/Research Openness, Member of Management Committee.” Main Proposer: Katja Brøgger.
2022–2027 Principal Investigator. European Research Council Consolidator 2021 (101044421). “ABORTION FIGURATIONS Using Human Rights to Change Abortion Law: Involvement Patterns and Argumentative Architectures in the Global Figuration of Human Rights.” Budget: EUR 1,999,000. https://abortion-figurations.uw.edu.pl.
2021–2025 Polish Principal Investigator. Volkswagen Foundation Grant. “Towards Illiberal Constitutionalism in East Central Europe: Historical Analysis Comparative and Transnational Perspectives.” Consortium led by Joachim von Puttkamer, University of Jena. Overall budget: EUR 1,445,700. Polish budget: EUR 224,800. https://il-liberal.unijena.de.
2020-2025 Principal Investigator. “National Habitus Formation and the Process of Civilization in Poland After 1989: A Figurational Approach.” Polish National Science Centre grant no. 2019/34/E/HS6/00295. Budget EUR 560,000.
2019–2022 Senior Researcher. Porticus Foundation. “Lost in Transition: Social Sciences, Scenarios of Transformation, and Cognitive Dissonances in East Central Europe after 1989.” Principal Investigators: Balasz Trencsenyi, Diana Mishkova.
2019–2023 Member of Management Committee and Training Schools Coordinator. COST Action CA18140. “People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the Mediterranean (1492–1923).” Main Proposer: Giovanni Tarantino.
2019–2022 Member of Scientific Board. Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Research Network “Social Space, Fields and Relationality in Contemporary and Historical Social Analysis.” Principal Investigator: Tomasz Zarycki.
2015–2019 Principal Investigator. Polish National Science Centre grant no. 2014/13/B/HS6/03741. “Max Weber in Post-colonial Theory: The Case of Poland.” Budget: EUR 60,000.
2012–2014 Principal Investigator. “Norbert Elias’s Sociology of Knowledge. Polish National Science Centre grant no. 2011/01/D/HS6/03281. Budget EUR 20,000.
2021–25 Distinguished Fellow. Universalism and Particularism in European Contemporary History. Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Munich.
2021 Fellow. Imre Kertesz Kolleg Jena.
2021 Visiting Professor. University of Graz.
2020 Visiting Professor, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles.
2018 Visiting Bye-Fellow, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge.
2012–13 Fellow. Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg “Recht als Kultur” Bonn.
2010–11 Bronislaw Geremek Fellow. Institute of Human Sciences in Vienna.
2020 Polish Sociological Association Award for the Best Sociological Translation. 2006 Award of the Rector of University of Warsaw (2nd Grade). 2006 START Stipend of the Foundation for Polish Science. 2003 Scholarship of Fundacja Tygodnika POLITYKA. 2000 Florian Znaniecki Award of the Polish Sociological Association (1st Grade).
2022– Scientific Advisory Board of Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET). University of Vienna.
2020–23 Associated Researcher (chercheuse associée). Centre de recherche en science politique. Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles.
2020–21 Member of the Jury of Stanislaw Ossowski Prize of Polish Sociological Association.
2018– Deutscher Hochschulverband.
2017– Fellow of Norbert Elias Foundation.
2016– Academia.net. Portal to Excellent Women Academics (Robert Bosch Stiftung).
2016 German Sociological Association.
2015–17 President of the Jury of Polish Sociological Association Prize for the Best Sociological Translation.
2015–17 Member of the Jury of the Young Scholars Prize of the ISA RC “History of Sociology”.
2013– International Sociological Association.
2010– Polish Sociological Association. Deputy President of the Sociology of Law Section (since 2022).
2009– European Sociological Association.