Universidad Metropolitana Caracas (Venezuela)
Law degree and PhD in law at Universidad Central de Venezuela (1964 and 1974). LlM Harvard 1972. Professor of Law and former Law Dean at Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas, and frequent visiting professor since 1998 at Stanford Law School. He has also taught in Mexico, Spain, Chile, Colombia, and Peru. Member of the National Academy of History of Venezuela and Honorary Member of the Peruvian Academy of Law. He has been Scientific Director of the Oñati International Institute of Sociology of Law in 1992-93 (Spain) and Fellow of this Institute from 1993 onwards and Academic Director, Stanford Program for International Legal Studies (1999-2002). Former President of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association. Member of the board of several academic journals in the Americas and Europe. Many publications in the area of history of law, comparative law and law and society in Spanish, English and other languages. At Stanford University Press he has published Legal cultures in the age of globalization/ Latin America and Latin Europe (co-edited with Lawrence Friedman, 2003); Latin American lawyers/ A historical introduction (2006); Law in many societies (co-edited with Lawrence Friedman & Manuel Gómez, 2011); and The civil law tradition, 3rd edition (coauthored with John H. Merryman, 2007). More recently he published Big law in Latin America and Spain (co-edited with Manuel Gómez, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). In Spanish, most recent books are Justicia e injusticias en Venezuela (Universidad Metropolitana and Academia Nacional de la Historia, 2011), Los juristas académicos de Venezuela (Universidad Metropolitana, 2014) and Ideas del derecho y cultura jurídica en Venezuela (Universidad Metropolitana, 2018)