Review form for 2025 workshop applications JUAN SANCHEZ_MANKO_MCKAY_PIKRAMENOU

Title: "El acceso a la justicia y a los servicios de apoyo de las víctimas de violencia de género en Europa: buenas prácticas y valoración de su impacto"
Please assess in this section: ● Does the workshop meaningfully contribute to socio-legal studies / sociology of law? ● Do track-record and scholarly potential of the organisers let expect a good workshop? ● What are the prospects of successful publication of workshop in IISL outlets?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● What makes this workshop original and distinctive vs. "more of the same"? ● Does it aim to open new lines of research (and are these still relevant to the IISL)? ● Does it create novel connections between different fields, approaches, communities?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● To what extent do participants represent different national/regional/cultural contexts? ● Are participants from different career stages actively involved in the workshop? ● Is the choice of the language of the workshop appropriate (English, Spanish, bilingual)?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● To what extent does the proposal indicate connections to the Basque Country? ● If it is not specifically dealing with Basque topics: Is it still relevant for local people? ● If it is explicitly taking up Basque topics: Is this done in a scholarly convincing manner?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● Does the workshop meaningfully contribute to socio-legal studies / sociology of law? ● Do track-record and scholarly potential of the organisers let expect a good workshop? ● What are the prospects of successful publication of workshop in IISL outlets?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● What makes this workshop original and distinctive vs. "more of the same"? ● Does it aim to open new lines of research (and are these still relevant to the IISL)? ● Does it create novel connections between different fields, approaches, communities?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● To what extent do participants represent different national/regional/cultural contexts? ● Are participants from different career stages actively involved in the workshop? ● Is the choice of the language of the workshop appropriate (English, Spanish, bilingual)?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● To what extent does the proposal indicate connections to the Basque Country? ● If it is not specifically dealing with Basque topics: Is it still relevant for local people? ● If it is explicitly taking up Basque topics: Is this done in a scholarly convincing manner?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Title: "Virtual Criminal Justice"
Please assess in this section: ● Does the workshop meaningfully contribute to socio-legal studies / sociology of law? ● Do track-record and scholarly potential of the organisers let expect a good workshop? ● What are the prospects of successful publication of workshop in IISL outlets?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● What makes this workshop original and distinctive vs. "more of the same"? ● Does it aim to open new lines of research (and are these still relevant to the IISL)? ● Does it create novel connections between different fields, approaches, communities?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● To what extent do participants represent different national/regional/cultural contexts? ● Are participants from different career stages actively involved in the workshop? ● Is the choice of the language of the workshop appropriate (English, Spanish, bilingual)?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● To what extent does the proposal indicate connections to the Basque Country? ● If it is not specifically dealing with Basque topics: Is it still relevant for local people? ● If it is explicitly taking up Basque topics: Is this done in a scholarly convincing manner?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Title: "Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) under the Spectrum of Sex, Gender and Sexuality"
COORDINATORS: Nikoletta PIKRAMENOU, Marta BUCHOLC and Barbara Giovanna BELLO
Please assess in this section: ● Does the workshop meaningfully contribute to socio-legal studies / sociology of law? ● Do track-record and scholarly potential of the organisers let expect a good workshop? ● What are the prospects of successful publication of workshop in IISL outlets?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● What makes this workshop original and distinctive vs. "more of the same"? ● Does it aim to open new lines of research (and are these still relevant to the IISL)? ● Does it create novel connections between different fields, approaches, communities?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● To what extent do participants represent different national/regional/cultural contexts? ● Are participants from different career stages actively involved in the workshop? ● Is the choice of the language of the workshop appropriate (English, Spanish, bilingual)?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Please assess in this section: ● To what extent does the proposal indicate connections to the Basque Country? ● If it is not specifically dealing with Basque topics: Is it still relevant for local people? ● If it is explicitly taking up Basque topics: Is this done in a scholarly convincing manner?
Your score: (max. 5 points) *
(In key words or bullet points)
Considering my above scores and comments for the applications I was assigned to review, I arrive at the following ranking of the selected applications:
A (best)B (medium)C (lowest)
El acceso a la justicia y a los servicios de apoyo de las víctimas de violencia de género en Europa *
Legal Survivals and Global Legal Pluralism *
Virtual Criminal Justice *
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) under the Spectrum of Sex, Gender and Sexuality *
I authorize the Institute to use the information on the evaluation of applications for the evaluation of proposals received and only for that purpose.
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Workshop Coordination Team

Avenida de la Universidad, 8
Apartado 28
20560 Oñati (Gipuzkoa) - Spain
T: +34 943 78... Ver teléfono
