Julia Carceller (Castellon, Spain) will give a presentation titled From better regulation to smart regulation. Regulatory impact assessement and its introduction in Spain. Thoughts about an renewed rationalism in sociological evidence, in Spanish, English and Italian (21 February, IISL -Achille Loria classroom-, 3:30 to 4:30 pm. The talk is primarily aimed at this year's master's students.
Carceller sums up the contents of her presentation: "Awareness has slowly grown of the need for an improvement in regulatory activity, the simple existence of the norm is not a guarantee to achieve its goals and sometimes causes undesired effects. Making regulation requires a prior and subsequent analysis of its need, its impact and to determine its effectiveness. It seeks a rethinking and analysis of the processes of normative creation to adapt to a new scenario and a new complex and changing reality, from which they arise and on which they intend to project themselves. Today we have greater and better resources, knowledge and means to base the quality of the norms in the knowledge of social context, evaluating the achievement of its results and orienting them better towards the social benefit".
She advances that her presentation will include a summary of the research process that she has developed in her PhD, emphasizing the development of better regulation EU's policy (nowadays towards smart regulation) and one of its tools: Regulatory Impact Assessment; specifically, the current circumstances of its introduction in Spain.
Julia Carceller holds a degree in Political Science and Public Administration from Cardenal Herrera University CEU (2006), and a degree in Law from the Jaume I University of Castellón (2014). She is a lawyer and a researcher, and she is currently a visiting researcher at the IISL's.