The IISL is issuing a call through the Research Committee for the Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association for nominations for the position of Scientific Director of IISL. The 2-year term of the present Scientific Director (SD) at the IISL will end in August 2022 for a start of the new Director in September 2022. Outstanding
scholars working in the field of studies on law and society around the world are invited to submit their application as candidate to Scientific Director of the IISL for the year 2022 to 2024. The deadline is 15th April.
If you are willing to be nominated and serve, please send a letter of motivation, your CV, a research statement and a list of publications by that date to Pierre Guibentif, email:, the chair of the independent Nominating Committee appointed by RCSL President Ulrike Schultz.