Bonilla, Daniel

Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
Daniel Bonilla is full professor of law and a lawyer at Universidad de los Andes and Doctor and master's degree in Law from Yale University. At this same institution, he has served as a visiting professor, as well as at Sciences Po-Paris and at the universities of Brasilia, Fordham, U. of the State of Georgia, U. of Texas, Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law , U. of Puerto Rico, Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico and in the National of Colombia.
He is the director of the collections New Legal Thought and Useful Texts - Law of Public Interest of the Law School of the Universidad de los Andes. These are some of his most recent publications:
- Constitutionalism in the Americas (ed.) (Edward Elgar Publishing: 2018)
- The mandarins of law: legal transplants, cultural analysis of law and pro bono work (Dir. Investig) (Siglo del Hombre - Ediciones Uniandes: 2017)
- Lawyers, society and public interest law (ed.) (Siglo del Hombre - Ediciones Uniandes: 2016)
- Constitutionalism of the Global South (ed.) (Cambridge University Press: 2013)
- The social function of property in comparative perspective (ed.) (Eudeba: 2013)