
Webinar about Double Degree

14 Feb 2022

Students of the International Master in Sociology of Law (Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law/ University of the Basque Country) and students of the first year of the Master in Law and Sustainable Development (University of Milan) are invited to participate in a presentation...

Matías Cordero Arce will give the talk titled "The IISL: There and back again. A legal sociologist's journey through disciplinary and professional margins"

05 Jan 2022

Matías Cordero Arce, professor and former student of the IISL, will give the online talk "The IISL: There and back again. A legal sociologist's journey through disciplinary and professional margins", the next installment in the IISL's Institutional Memory Lecture Series. To enroll, please email...

Dolores Morondo will talk about "The criminalisation of solidarity and human rights"

05 Jan 2022

Dolores Morondo, professor of the University of Deusto and of the IISL's Master's programme, will offer the online talk "The criminalisation of solidarity and human rights", within the Human Rights talk series, jointly organized by the IISL and the Basque Government. To enroll, email us at...

The IISL will be closed for Christmas holidays

23 Dec 2021

The IISL staff will be on Christmas and New Year's break from 24 December to 3 January. The library will be closed and the Master's courses will be on hiatus until then, too. We wish you all merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Oñati Socio-Legal Series presents its last issue of the year

22 Dec 2021

Oñati Socio-Legal Series is out with the last issue of year 2021, a miscellany of individual articles received in the past months, which offer an overview of some of the most topical socio-legal research works. The issue (6S) comprises 17 articles written by authors from 14 countries, covering...

Matteo Finco will talk about "Self-determination in the Italian 'end-of-life'"

10 Dec 2021

Matteo Finco (La Sapienza University, Rome) will talk about "Self-determination in the Italian 'end-of-life'". It will be a Zoom-based talk, organized with the help of the Basque Government. Enrollment is open at the email address

Cansu Bostan will give the talk "Law and Games of Justice in Northern Kurdistan"

17 Nov 2021

Cansu Bostan (Lund University) will give the talk titled "Law and Games of Justice in Northern Kurdistan". Bostan has an MA degree in the Sociology of Law from the IISL and a B.A. in Sociology from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara. Her PhD research at Lund University explores the...

Jacek Kurczewski.

Jacek Kurczewski: "Leon Petrażycki For Today: Mysterious Patron of the Institute"

09 Nov 2021

Within the IISL's Institutional Memory Lecture series, Prof. Dr. hab. Jacek Kurczewski (University of Warsaw) will give the talk titled "Leon Petrażycki For Today: Mysterious Patron of the Institute". The talk will be online on the Zoom platform.

Enrollment is free at the email address...

The poster of Teresa Piconto's talk.

Teresa Picontó will talk about hers and Manolo Calvo's life in sociology of law

24 Sep 2021

Teresa Picontó (Professor of Law, University of Zaragoza) will be the guest speaker in the Institutional Memory Lecture series, which picks back up from May, with a new host of speakers who have been involved with the Institute. Picontó will speak of her own trajectory in sociology of law and in...
