Whyte, David

Vickie Cooper of The Open University, UK and David Whyte of the University of Liverpool spent two weeks visiting the IISL in July to research and write part of the Introduction to a book they are editing called ‘The Violence of Austerity’. The book will show how, in the context of the UK, that the ‘fiscal purging’ made to public spending has not only resulted in greater economic precarity, but has led to the dismantling of a very wide range of social systems that operated as a buffer against economic hardship and social insecurity. It foregrounds the idea that those institutional and social effects of austerity have far greater violent consequences than other forms of inter-personal violence. The Introduction to the book thus describes how austerity itself is a form of institutional violence, that it is more socially harmful, and yet is distinctly less politicised than other forms of violence, such as terrorism and political violence that the British state mobilises considerable resources against. The book will include 24 leading commentators and activists who mobilise against the UK government’s austerity regime and will be published by Pluto Press in May 2017.