Hurri, Samuli

University of Turku
16 oct 2023 - 05 nov 2023
I was born in 1973 in Pori, did my studies in (LL.M, LL.Lic, LLD/Phd) in Helsinki. I defended my PhD thesis in 2011 and earned the title of docent (something like the habilitation in the German system) in 2013. My research is on law as as field of practice and on the intersections between knowledge-power and juridical-political power, both very much based on Michel Foucault / governmentality.
I am currently affiliated in University of Turku, Faculty of Law, where I work as Senior Lecturer.
Area(s) of expertise: Poststurcturalism, governmentality, politics of knowledge, law and language, rhetoric and argumentation